mardi 17 avril 2007

The Simpsons

The TV journal project was a very good thing for us. It urges us to listen TV and try to summarize the episodes. It was the first time I did something like that in english and I really think it is a good maner to learn different words or expressions. I think the Simpsons is a good program to practice english. It isn't difficult to understand. It was a good expérience for me and it's interesting to receive comments from other people. English is a very important tongue for us because more and more people talk in english and we need to clearly understand them.

Resume of The show "Hogan knows best"

For my TV journal assignment 5, I have to make a ressume about all this work. To watch a show in English is hard to do but, the show "Hogan knows best" is easy because the caracters speak slowly and their text is easy to understand. I think that this assignment had help me to understand the English in a real context. I had like this homework and I recommanded my teacher to do it with the other group.